About Us
Clinical Exercise fills in the gap left when your insurance coverage runs out and your PT suggests either yoga or the gym. Very often all that good work your PT has accomplished is sometimes undone when you take up your case in the gym! It’s true! The right movements, exercise, produce harmony and health in your body and the wrong movements worsen your condition and increase your pain.
Through controlled macro & micro movements your body can learn to ‘fire’ the natural way and regain full and pain free movements.
Clinical Exercise has been filling the demand of the countless thousands who seek relief from pain. It’s not the same as physical therapy but it picks up where the physical therapist leaves off. Clinical Exercise is not a chiropractic adjustment –but it’s complementary to it.
Clinical exercise programs realign the body, re-establishing optimal posture, and balancing the muscular mechanics against gravitational, occupational, and recreational forces.
Clinical Exercise LLC
1510 N. Argonne Suite J
Spokane Valley · WA · 99212
Our Staff
Jake Baumann - Owner
I fell in love with the fitness industry from the moment I set foot in my first gym! After talking to several trainers and interacting with the members I “KNEW” that this was what I was created to do! I began studying health, fitness and athletic training at NIC, and within months I got certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a personal trainer! My career exploded! Over the next several years I won numerous production & performance awards and consistently ranked at the top of the list of personal trainers in the Inland Northwest.
Something was missing though? I attended a large fitness convention after those first few successful years of training and while there I looked around at the trainers and realized that I was definitely in the top percentile as far as physique goes. I was feeling pretty good about myself until one of the presenters asked me to come up to the front of the room and be the demonstration participant for his lecture on “Movement Dysfunction & Muscle Imbalances”. It turned out that I had the poorest movement quality of anyone in that room even though I looked the best! I had been body building and strength training for hours a day, looking great on the outside, but destroying my body on the inside! This is when the light bulb went off for me and I realized that I spent my days driving people to look and feel better while all the time damaging their joints and muscles and setting them up for long term aches, pains, and orthopedic surgeries!
My success has always been rooted in my passion for people, love for exercise, natural charisma and super high energy but with this new awareness an even greater passion arose! The search for “Truth” as it pertained to healthy aging. In that moment I resolved to dedicate myself to studying and mastering the art of corrective exercise and maximized movement efficiency! I was no longer driven by just trying to help people look better on the outside but rebuilding their bodies from the inside out so they could actually feel better, live longer, and experience a better quality of life.
I became a certified “Corrective Exercise Specialist” with NASM and have spent over 20 years as a professional in the fitness & rehabilitation industry and invested well over 50,000 hours in treating and managing corrective exercise programs. I am thoroughly convinced that my “Mission Statement” (See website link to Mission Statement) sums up everything I have invested my life in up to this point! I hope this Bio gives you peace of mind in seeking our help to reduce your pain, improve your functional abilities and maximize your quality of life so you can be all you were meant to be!
We look forward to seeing here at Clinical Exercise LLC,
Jake Baumann, NASM, CES, CPT, Studio Owner
To contact him, call 509-951-9476!
Andrew Baumann
Business Manager
Andrew Baumann helps run the websites and social media pages. He has a passion to help people by managing the expansion of the clinic to reach and care for more customers.
To contact him, call 509-714-8294!
Our Guarantee
7 MAJOR benefits you are guaranteed to achieve by working with us
Increase your fitness and functional capacity
Lose weight and tone up
Reduce your risk of having future health problems
Improve your quality of life
Improve your confidence, outlook and emotional wellbeing
Increase your knowledge about preventing heart problems in the future
LOOK and FEEL better than you have in years