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Post injury rehabilitation is our specialty here at Clinical Exercise. Whether you are trying to build your body back up after an injury or a car accident or healing up from a joint replacement surgery we have the expertise and equipment to get you there quicker.

Many of our clients come to us after physical therapy because they are discharged before they have regained full recovery from their injuries. Medical insurance is not designed to cover all of a patient’s physical conditioning and fitness training. If your still hurting or experiencing some intermittent aches and pains after physical therapy we can help you assess your current condition and design safe and effective programming to help you get wherever you want to go. Here at

Clinical Exercise we have specialized rehabilitation equipment like a: vibration plate, total wave, bi-directional treadmill, total hip machine, power tower, lateral elliptical and a two six pac functional cable machines. With these machines we can get results faster and safer than with more traditional strength training equipment.

We also offer online exercise rehabilitation programs to strengthen all the different areas of the body that tend to get weakened after an injury or muscle imbalance.